About me

Psychotherapy at SamRefleksion (Co-Reflection) is for you who wishes to understand yourself better and wish to change your our old patterns.

Life is full of complexity and difficult situations that we experience. I have had my fair share of them and through therapy I have broken many of my old patterns during my education. Today I have gained a productive and harmonious life with much integrity and joy. This is meant as an encouragement  you. I say this in order to confirm that this kind of therapy works and my own experiences are the driving force behind wanting to help you to make the best of your life!

I am value based and I believe that you are unique and want to create a good life for yourself and others.

  • I am actively involved in your process
  • I use myself a lot in my work with you
  • I use my professional skills
  • I use my own life experiences with ups and downs I have lived through

Within the last decade I’ve for example lost my father to dementia and my mother died of pneumonia during the winter of 2019.

I am very interested in what takes place in your life right here and now. I have a process-experiential approach to help you make changes in your life, meaning that therapy is a process that takes time and place in order for changes to manifest in life and in everyday living. 

I'm value based and the Christian faith is of importance to me and thus a high ethical standard of how  people are treated in therapy. 

My values and approach include:

  • Professional approach with interventions
  • Respectful attitude to what you are struggling with
  • Warm, accepting- and non-judgmental atmosphere
  • Helping you to regulate your feelings, and respecting your process as you experience new awareness

I receive supervision regularly to give you the best possible therapy and in order to update my professional competences. 

I'm curious and follow webinars, presentations and participate in further education everytime I find something that matches my areas of interest like for example couples therapy. 

In my sparetime I work at the Det Nationale Sorgcenter, Sorglinjen in Copenhagen. 

All talks are confidential according to the Dansk Psykoterapeutforenings etikregler (link – in Danish).

I receive supervision while working in order to give you the best quality and develop my professional competences.

I’m a very curious person and follow different webinars, and further education that supplement my therapeutical interest of work. And I’m always striving to get more professional skills.

I look forward to meet you

I look forward to support you and be your guide

I look forward to listen to you and explore your emotions, reflections and bodily senses with you.

I look forward to facilitate your change process.

In my spare time I work as a voluntary at Sorglinjen in Copenhagen, The National Sorrow Center.

Contact me

Kontakt mig og få en gratis for-samtale på 15-30 min. over telefonen, hvor du/I kan fortælle kort om dine/jeres problemstillinger, og vi sammen finder ud af, om vi er et godt match.

Jeg glæder mig til at møde dig/jer!

Psykoterapeut Roskilde - Berit Carius Hummelshøj - Psykoterapeut & Parterapeut

"Mit forløb med Berit har hjulpet mig i en svær tid, og jeg kan varmt anbefale hende. Jeg har længe haft en stærk indre kritiker, og jeg har haft svært ved at lukke for den. Gennem forskellige øvelser, har Berit gjort mig mere opmærksom på, hvordan jeg kan reducere den indre kritiker og for en gangs skyld være mere omsorgsfuld ved mig selv."

"Jeg mærkede en utrolig ro og lettelse ved dette. Jeg følte mig tryg i at dykke ned i mine inderste tanker og følelser med Berit, hvilket var med til at jeg kunne udvikle mig til det bedre. Jeg er meget taknemlig - tak Berit!"

Klient - C
"Mit forløb hos Berit har givet mig et frirum, hvor jeg i trygge rammer har kunnet udforske min følelser, tanker og livsmønstre intensivt. Jeg føler mig set og forstået med tålmodighed. Jeg mærker en stor indre tilfredsstillelse med de opdagelser jeg på denne måde gør sammen med Berit"
Klient - J
"Mine samtaler med Berit er en stor hjælp og lettelse i mit forløb med at håndtere de ting jeg går og bærer på. Berit udstråler fortrolighed og nærvær og har en god, professionel måde at være og agere på."
Klient - A
Jeg er et svært sted, hvor jeg ikke pr. egen kraft kan udvikle mig. Mit møde med Berit og hendes naturlige, respektfulde anerkendelse af min person har gjort, at jeg føler mig sikker og tryg. Berits stemme fører mig sikkert og omsorgsfuldt gennem samtalerne, og hun guider mig på en helt fantastisk måde til at komme fra hovedet og ned i kroppen/dybten. Jeg føler mig set og lige dér, kan alt det gode ske."
En meget glad klient - Ditte.

Email: info@SamRefleksion.dk
Mobil: 6062 7004

CVR: 27639429


Terapi på følgende adresser:

Støden 3 - 3. sal.
4000 Roskilde

Sociale medier